[tex-live] Tex Live 2016 on RaspberryPi - where is biber?

Helge helge.paternoga at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 5 20:49:02 CEST 2016


I would like to use TeX Live in my living room on my RaspberryPi 
(running Raspbian Jessie 2016-05-27).

Recently I had some issues with TeX Live on my Desktop system (Debian), 
where I had to uninstall Texlive from the Debian repository and 
reinstall the Vanilla Version (as documented here 
<http://www.tug.org/texlive/debian.html>). The problem was that "biber" 
produced errors, without any changes to Texlive. I realized that it had 
to do with the recent updates to Perl in Debian, thats why I switched to 
Tex Live 2016. Since then its working flawlessly.

Therefore I chose the same approach for my RaspberryPi, running 
Raspbian. I installed Texlive 2016 as mentioned above + Texstudio (from 
the raspi repository), which worked fine. But now there seems to be no 
version of "biber" installed. It is not present in the /bin folder and 
when I do sudo find / -name "biber", it only finds the source and doc of 
biber 2.5. What i don't understand is that in tlmgr it shows biber 2.4 
as installed (+ when I click on update or install, it says that it is 
already installed), yet I can't find the binary.

Do I have to build biber myself? When running "perl Build.PL" it gives 
me all the prerequisites, that are not met (basically everything), but 
two are actually installed, but out of date. Is it possible to compile 
this on the RasPi without also compiling the prerequisites? I'm 
currently running the script to install the missing prerequisites (takes 
a while on the RasPi), but I think this won't resolve the outdated ones?

Anyway, thats it for now, I'm kinda new to this so I don't know whats 
possible and what isn't. So some clarification would be really welcome ;)

Thanks for reading!

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