[tex-live] Add autorun.inf file in tlnet/ directory?

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jan 24 16:02:36 CET 2014

Le jeudi 23/01/14 à 22h41,
karl at freefriends.org (Karl Berry) a écrit :

> Hi again Denis,

Hi Karl,
>     contains the 'autorun.inf' file shipped with the TeX Live DVD.
> tlnet is not about making DVD's, because, as you know, we only make
> the .iso once a year.  Thus tlnet doesn't include .mkisofsrc, doesn't
> include tl-update-images, etc.  autorun.inf is no different.

Okay but, unless I am mistaken, all the materials used for building the
.iso file could be included in tlnet: it would be harmless to those who
won't build this .iso, and will be useful to the others.

Indeed, as I explained in previous messages, it may be useful to build
.iso between official releases in order to provide, to groups of people
(family, friends, colleagues, students, etc.) who cannot easily install
an up to date TeX Live with the net installer.

BTW, if an up to date TeX Live is downloaded by 1 person and provided to
100 persons, instead of being downloaded by 101 persons, it will save
a lot of bandwith.

I don't say the huge work done for the official releases should be
permanently done: I just say that it could be nice to make easier the
life of those who want to install an up to date TL, not just for
themselves, but for groups of people. Currently, this can be done:

1. by downloading the official .iso file and providing the .file as is,
  or burning DVDs, or mounting the .iso file and providing the tlnet/
  directory (as is or compressed): not nice as each user who will
  install the TL by this way and later will update it will download
  zillions of files,

2. using rsync in order to get an up to date TL and:

   1. providing the tlnet/ directory as is or compressed (on USB sticks
      or whatever):

      - *long* to transfer or to decompress,
      - *easy* for the provider,

   2. providing the tlnet/ directory as an .iso file:

      - *fast* to transfer and instantaneously "decompress",
      - *uneasy* for the provider.

In other words, the current way of providing the TL is:

- mass users oriented for the official releases, once a year,
- single user oriented between official releases,

but it may be mass users oriented all the time.

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