[tex-live] Minor problem with the ams fonts doc

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Tue May 21 09:17:21 CEST 2013


The doc amsfndoc.pdf for AMS fonts (in TEXMFDIST/doc/fonts/amsfonts/) is in an odd state: it includes hyperlinks à la hyperref, which are not obtained by typesetting the source amsfndoc.tex (in TEXMFDIST/source/latex/amsfonts/); but it does not include the title, which is missing, and the date display is messed up.

In short, amsfndoc.pdf seems to have been typeset from a hacked amsfndoc.tex without double-checking the output is right.

All the above with TL 2013 pretest, as in MacTeX-2013. But exactly the same was already seen in TL 2012.

I am not a member of this list, so if you need further info please contact me directly.

Bruno Voisin

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