[tex-live] changed hyphenation after update to texlive 2012

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk
Sat Jul 14 18:47:16 CEST 2012

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> The only thing I wonder about the licence is whether we are violating
> it by calling Ukrainian ones "hyph-uk" :)


%(a) the filename (the portion before the extension, if any)
%    must not match any of :
%        UKHYPH                  UK-HYPH
%        UKHYPHEN                UK-HYPHEN
%        UKHYPHENS               UK-HYPHENS
%   regardless of case

but I think that you were foolish (Norbert would probably
write "stupid", but I prefer more moderate language in e-mail)
not to follow the recommendation :

%(b) the file must contain conditions identical to these,
% except that the modifier/distributor may, if he or she
% wishes, augment the list of proscribed filenames.

and augment the list of proscribed names with "hyph-en-gb.tex".

Incidentally, even though ISO are apparently unaware of the
difference between GB and UK (the latter is "The United Kingdom
of Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland"), it would have
been better to rename the file to "hyph-en-uk.tex".  These
patterns are applicable throughout the entire United Kingdom,
not just in Great Britain.

** Phil.

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