[tex-live] Cannot contact mirror.ctan.org

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Tue Sep 21 11:15:13 CEST 2010

Le mardi 21/09/10 à 18h00,
Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> a écrit :

> Hi Denis,

Hi Norbert,
> > Well, I didn't explicitly open it and it used to be okay by the
> > past, for instance with TL 2009! I do not have any trouble to
> > browse the internet. BTW, my boxes are Mandriva 2010.1 Linux.
> Umpf.

I don't know this word... What does it mean? ;)

> > 3. If I don't manually specify a mirror but completely disable my
> > firewall, the problem in item 1 disappear but I don't like to do so,
> > even for few minutes when I update the TL.
> That is strange. So what we basically do is:
> 	wget http://mirror.ctan.org
> and analyze the output searching for "Location: ...".
> If you do that on the command line, what do you get there?

$ wget http://mirror.ctan.org
--2010-09-21 11:06:13--  http://mirror.ctan.org/
Résolution de mirror.ctan.org (mirror.ctan.org)...
Connexion vers mirror.ctan.org
(mirror.ctan.org)||:80...connecté. requête HTTP
transmise, en attente de la réponse...302 Found Emplacement:
http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/CTAN/ [suivant] --2010-09-21 11:06:14--
http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/CTAN/ Résolution de mirrors.ircam.fr
(mirrors.ircam.fr)..., 2001:660:3004:4002::25:80 Connexion
vers mirrors.ircam.fr (mirrors.ircam.fr)||:80...connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse...200 OK Longueur:
5319 (5,2K) [text/html] Sauvegarde en : «index.html»

5 319       --.-K/s   ds 0s      

2010-09-21 11:06:14 (515 MB/s) - «index.html» sauvegardé [5319/5319]

> I am really surprised what is configured in that firewall that wget
> is forbidden?

I must admit that I have no idea...

Best wishes.

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