[tex-live] getnonfreefonts-sys doesn't update updmap.cfg?

Thanh Han The hanthethanh at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 10:58:13 CET 2007


I have tl installed using the following configuration:

- mount the texlive live iso image under /mnt/texlive2006

- run /mnt/texlive2006/texlive/install-tl.sh
    - select destination of installation:
    - set up texlive to run from CD/DVD:

- setup the following directories ('->' stands for a symlink):
       |-- bin -> /mnt/texlive/texlive/bin/i386-linux
       |-- texmf-main -> /mnt/texlive/texlive/texmf
       |-- texmf-dist -> /mnt/texlive/texlive/texmf-dist
       |-- texmf-tetex -> /opt/tetex-3.0/share/texmf
       |-- texmf-local
       |-- texmf-config
       `-- texmf-var

- set TEXMFCNF=/opt/texlive2006/texmf-config/web2c:/opt/texlive2006/texmf-main/web2c
  with /opt/texlive2006/texmf-config/web2c/texmf.cnf looks as follows:

| TEXDIR = /opt/texlive2006
| TEXMFMAIN = $TEXDIR/texmf-main
| TEXMFDIST = $TEXDIR/texmf-dist
| TEXMFLOCAL = $TEXDIR/texmf-local

then I run

| getnonfreefonts-sys -v garamond

everything seems to be ok, except that the new map file
is not installed (I checked /opt/texlive2006/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg)

Does anyone have a clue what I am missing?


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