[tex-live] Bug in updmap?!

Vladimir Volovich vvv at vsu.ru
Fri Oct 22 22:17:50 CEST 2004

"FP" == Fabrice Popineau writes:

 FP> I'll check the behaviour but the first problem is that you can't
 FP> call it the same way you call the shell script :

 FP> updmap --enable Map=xyz.map

 FP> if I recall correctly.

The way to call a shell script is:

updmap --enable Map xyz.map

I.e. you should change your converted script to use this syntax to
avoid incompatibility. AFAIR, this has already been discussed long
time ago.

$ updmap --help
Usage: updmap [option] ... [command]
Valid options:
  --cnffile file             specify configuration file
  --dvipsoutputdir directory   specify output directory (dvips syntax)
  --pdftexoutputdir directory  specify output directory (pdftex syntax)
  --dvipdfmoutputdir directory specify output directory (dvipdfm syntax)
  --outputdir directory      specify output directory (for all files)
  --nohash                   do not run texhash
  --nomkmap                  do not recreate map files
  --quiet                    reduce verbosity
Valid commands:
  --edit                     edit updmap.cfg file
  --help                     show this message
  --showoptions item         show alternatives for options
  --setoption option value   set option where option is one
                             of dvipsPreferOutline, LW35, dvipsDownloadBase35
                             or pdftexDownloadBase14
  --enable maptype mapfile   add or enable a Map or MixedMap
  --disable mapfile          disable Map or MixedMap for mapfile
  --listmaps                 list all active and inactive maps


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