lug letter

Sebastian Rahtz
Sun, 28 Mar 1999 23:11:13 +0100 (BST)

Karl Berry writes:
 > - Phil, I recognize your concern about including what is and is not
 > included on the CD, but I don't know the answer.  Sebastian, can you
 > please tell us?  Besides Unix and win32 ... ?
not having seen Phil's message, I am not sure what the concern is.

the CD has a runnable system for Unix x 5, Linux x 2 and Win32. it
also has 3 canned systems (CMacTeX, emTeX and djgpptex). the bulk of
the CD is the texmf tree which is set up to work with web2c 7.3.

- no there is nothing for VMS, BBC Basic, VM/CMS, MVS and
  similar dead systems
- win31 users have emTeX or djgpptex
- OS/2 users have emTeX
- Free BSD, NeXT and Amiga people -- sorry guys, maybe another time
- MikTeX aficionadoes -- sorry. no space.
