[pstricks] FYI: Stella maris on nautical chart (Example, minor questions)

TeXnicer texnicer at web.de
Fri Feb 17 22:24:29 CET 2017

Dear community,

sell, well, well, I just wanted to learn some navigation and *zapp* I am 
practicing using a sextant and feel the desire to draw a "stella maris" 
historical symbol for polaris-north on nautical charts.

I did this quite rough regarding the combination and amount of multidos 
needed, but maybe this contributes to someones work, questions or 
triggers more elegant solutions I can learn of. Still I am messing too 
much with coordinate systems and rotation.

I took of package "textcomp" but suggest to use \textdegree instead of 

Aditionally the usage of $\prime$ did not even come close to any 
acceptable result.

Looking forward for feedback!

And wavehand to Herbert for this magnificent set of drawing instructions.


Carsten (TeXnicer)

%\usepackage{textcomp} %\textdegree

% definitions
%sample values from Übungskarte D49
\newcommand{\referenceVariation}{.5} % reference year VARiation in 
degree! E=+ W=-
% $^\circ$ better: \textdegree from textcomp

% labels for compass rose

\section*{Magnetic variation on nautical charts}

% the VAR (OM) cross
} % VAR (OM) cross

\multido{\i=0+2}{180}{% two degree ticks
} % two degree ticks

\multido{\iA=0+30,\iAA=270+30}{12}{% thirty degree ticks

\multido{\iAA=270+30}{7}{% labels 270-090
\multido{\iAB=300+30}{5}{% labels 120-240

% Stella Maris line

% Stella Maris
\rput(0,4.87){% star, perimeter/translation
     \multido{\iD=0+72}{5}{% hatching
     \rput{\iD}(0,0){% two hatchling lines
         }%rput/two hatching lines
}%multido/Stella Maris
\pspolygon(R0)(S0)(R1)(S1)(R2)(S2)(R3)(S3)(R4)(S4)% the actual star 

\noindent\footnotesize{Creator: C.~Vogel (TeXnicer), 17.\,2.\,2017 
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0}\\%


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