[pstricks] PSTricks Coordinates by Point and Click

Christian Häger christianhaeger at me.com
Thu Jul 5 10:18:52 CEST 2012

Hi Carsten, 

Thanks for your answer. I do exactly the same if I want to draw a Figure from scratch. 

However, now I need to annotate matlab plots, which I exported to pdf/eps via laprint. So its basically a figure which shows up to 20 graphs without any structure. Now I need to put a label on each of the graphs at a position which I need to be able to modify ad-hoc. I cannot do this in Matlab and then psfrag, so I include the pdf in a pstricks dummy file and enable a grid and do it by hand. For these types of workflows, point-and-click would be really nice.  

Thanks for your answers so far, 

Am 05.07.2012 um 10:07 schrieb C. Vogel:

> Am 05.07.2012 09:02, schrieb Christian Häger:
>> Hello,
>> After searching google for quite some time now, I decided to post this question here in the mailinglist: Does anyone know a tool that would allow me to obtain PSTricks Coordinates for a picture in a Pdf by a point and click procedure? What I am searching for is a tiny bit of WYSIWYG for my PSTricks-Workflow.
> Hi Christian!
> This might not be exactly what you want to read, but my workflow (and recommendation) is to start your sketch on a piece paper. WYSIWYG bears (like in typography in general) the risk of one being attracted by ad-hoc possibilities rather than focusing on an organized information transfer planing. You do not sketch for pretty-printing paper, do you?
> e.g. During my active time increasing the quality of sketches in irc://irc.freenode.org/#latex-de I often started setting up a psmatrix or at least some sort of makeshift grid for labels, so they do align and the viewer intuitively has a sense where to look at in order to get destinct informations. Preskeched on some chequered paper you'll hardly need to guess the coordinates. You'll just have to compute/keep the alignment and read out the rest.
> Yours,
> Carsten
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