[pstricks] help wanted

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sat Nov 12 13:03:36 CET 2011

Am 11.11.2011 15:05, schrieb Cyrille Piatecki:
> Could some one help me with the standard representation in 3D of the
> function z = x^.3 y^.7 and the hyperplan .5 x + .7 y = 10 in the same
> graphic with projection of both in the plane (x,y) with any pstricks
> package


\psset{Decran=20,viewpoint=50 50 20 rtp2xyz}
% change 50 50 20 to 50 50 80 for a view from above

\psSolid[object=surface,base=0 18 0 18,function=Func,ngrid=0.25 0.25,
    args={[0.5 0.7 0 -10]},
    base=-25 -5 -15 5,ngrid=50 50,fillcolor=blue!30,
   \psSolid[object=fusion,base=PLANE_s FUNC]


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