[pstricks] strange behavior in pst-3d

Nitecki, Zbigniew H. Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu
Sat Jul 23 01:21:23 CEST 2011


Thanks for the suggestion, but I am a bit stupid about these things, since I seldom use commandline.  So I go to the terminal and after being logged in I type texexec --pdfsplit Booktest.pdf (that's the name of the file) and then...?  Where do the broken up pages appear, and in what form?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

On Jul 22, 2011, at 19:10, Michael Sharpe wrote:

On Jul 22, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. wrote:

The fairly simple code in the attached tex file generates the (correct) picture attached below.
However, when I copy this piece of code into a (much) larger file, inside a figure environment, the dashed line defined on the line indicated appears horizontal, basically touching the lower
corner of the horizontal square (unfortunately, I don't know how to take that output and attach it here, without attaching the whole 35-page output in which it is embedded).  What could cause this, and how do I test for it?


You can burst your large pdf into single pages using

texexec --pdfsplit filename.pdf

and attach the page of interest.


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