[pstricks] Problem with "fillstyle" in pst-3dplot

David Tarazona daleotar at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 00:02:34 CEST 2011

Hi and thank you Herbert for your awesome support...

I don't why I'm getting a error in this example that I took from
"pst-3dplot.pdf" from February 18, 2010:


The error I'm getting is:
"Undefined fillstyle: 'gradient'"

I checked the pstricks-add version from the log and I get this version:
`pstricks-add' v3.44, 2010/08/28

Obviously when I delete the parameter "fillstyle=gradient" it works but I
want a gradient fill for the box

I've read most threads from the mailing list and I've just found problems
with the version of pstricks-add package.
Also I've tried:


But it seems work just with a 2D object.

If Herbert can help me with this issue I will be really grateful.

Thanks for your free support!!!


David Tarazona
Desarrollos Inteligentes - Mechcorp Ltda.
Tel: (57)(1) 700-6364
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