[pstricks] [pracjourn-announce] PracTeX Journal: Issue 2010-2

Lance Carnes lcarnes at pctex.com
Thu Feb 17 14:55:18 CET 2011

Dear PracTeX Journal Readers,

The 2010-2 issue of the PracTeX Journal is 
<http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/>now available 

The authors and journal editors worked hard to 
present these articles, and we hope you enjoy 
reading them. If you find an article you like or 
which you want to comment on, please click the 
"Comment on this article" link to send a note to the author or to the editors.

Next issue: 2011-1  Spring 2011

If you would like to write an article for the 
Journal send your idea or outline to 
<mailto:pracjourn at tug.org%3Fsubject=Article%20idea>the editors.

Best regards,
Lance Carnes
and Production Editors


<http://tug.org/pracjourn>The PracTeX Journal
Issue 2010, Number 2
The online journal of the TeX Users Group
ISSN 1556-6994

<http://tug.org/pracjourn/2010-2/editor.html>In this issue - LaTeX for teachers
Editor's introduction to the issue.

<http://tug.org/pracjourn/2010-2/news.html>News from Around
News items from the LaTeX and TeX community.

Issue PDF for PracTeX Journal 2010-2
A PDF file of the journal issue.

- Interface entre R e LaTeX (Portuguese)
Cassiano Sousa Rosa, Og DeSouza. Resumo: É comum 
depararmos com o problema da gravação em arquivos 
separados dos comandos e dos gráficos, se o 
sistema estatístico R é utilizado. Outro problema 
seria localizar o código que originou aquele 
determinado gráfico. Para as pessoas que utilizam 
o R e também têm familiaridade com o LaTeX, agora 
existe uma boa solução para este problema, o Sweave.

Abstract: When using R for statistical analyses, 
it is common to keep the data analyses, the 
results of experiments, and graphs in separate 
files. Fortunately, for R users who also use 
LaTeX, there is a tool for organizing these 
files: Sweave! This paper presents a very short 
account on how Sweave integrates R and LaTeX to 
keep both input and output of statistical analyses in a single style file.

Materials For Teaching Mathematics
Alain Schremmer. This article describes a system 
that uses LaTeX to generate math texts, 
homeworks, quizzes, and exams for developmental mathematics courses.

Presentations with LaTeX
Marius Hofert, Markus Kohm. In this article, we 
show how scientific presentations can be created 
based on the KOMA-Script document class scrartcl. 
The main advantage of the suggested approach is 
that the presentation slides allow for easy 
copy-and-paste of content from other LaTeX 
documents such as research papers or handouts. 
Using this approach, presentation slides are 
quickly generated, without the author having to 
learn how to use other LaTeX presentation 
packages. Additionally, in contrast to the rather 
overused templates of the more common 
presentation packages, the slides can be 
individually created and thus tailored to the topic of the presentation.

and Preparation of Effective Scientific Posters using LaTeX
Paulo Rogério de Souza e Silva Filho, Rian 
Gabriel Santos Pinheiro. Posters are important 
presentation tools in scientific conferences. 
LaTeX offers several packages, e.g. a0poster and 
sciposter, for designing several kinds of high 
quality posters. However, many of the posters we 
are used to seeing are visually split into 
columns and conceptually organized in sections, 
with amounts of text which are likely to disrupt 
the viewing experience and understanding of the 
content. In this article we present an efficient 
method for preparing visual scientific posters 
using the PGF package and its syntax layer TikZ.

and sign tables with tableau
Cristina Blaga, Paul Blaga. We describe here a 
package, tableau.sty, created by N. Kisselhoff, 
very useful especially for calculus courses. It 
aids in the construction of variation and sign 
tables for the study of functions. The package 
provides a new environment based on PSTricks.

exam and homework material with probsoln
Cristina Blaga, Paul Blaga. We describe here some 
of the possibilities provided by the package 
probsoln, by Nicola Talbot. The aim of the 
package is to help the user prepare different 
kinds of problem lists and tests.

multiline cells using tabular(x)
Bastiaan Jacques. I describe a method for 
creating square cells, containing multiple lines 
typeset in paragraph mode using the array 
package. Both plain LaTeX tabular and tabularx packages are used.

<http://tug.org/pracjourn/2010-2/nelly.html>Ask Nelly
Questions and answers on the use of LaTeX.

KenKen® Puzzle Challenges
Several challenging problems with KenKen, LaTeX and TeX.


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