[pstricks] pst-solides3d and animate

mathias legrand legrand.mathias at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 04:05:12 CEST 2010

>> \begin{animateinline}[poster=last, controls, palindrome]{25}%
>> \multiframe{25}{rAngle=10+0.2}{%
>> \begin{pspicture}[showgrid=true](-5,-5)(5,5)
>> \psset{viewpoint=50 \rAngle 20,Decran=50}%
> that cannot work. the viewpoint is expanded to "50 1020"
> the space after \rAngle is "eaten" by TeX. Try
>    \psset{viewpoint=50 \rAngle0 20}
> the "0" makes no difference to the values, but it divides
> the \rAngle from the following 20

Thank you, it's working well now!

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