[pstricks] vecteur in multido

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jul 30 17:20:42 CEST 2010

Am 30.07.2010 16:13, schrieb Zbigniew Nitecki:
> The following code compiles fine:

>> %				\psSolid[object=vecteur,
>> %					linecolor=red,
>> %					definition={[.05 0.3]},
>> %					args=%
>> %					0.529 \rt\space sin mul %
>> %					0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul sub %
>> %					0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul add),

the last ) leads to an error.

>> %	%
>> %					action=draw**,
>> %				](P)

(P) is not possible here, use 3d coordinates. This worked:


\psset{lightsrc=50 20 50, viewpoint=15 60 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
\defFunction{gFunct}(u,v){v cos u mul}{v sin u mul}{1 u dup mul sub sqrt}
  base=0 1 0 360,
  intersectionplan={[0 1 1 -1] [0 1 1 -1.2] [0 1 1 -1.3] [0 1 1 -1.4]},
  intersectionlinewidth=2 2 2,
  intersectioncolor=(rouge) (rouge) (rouge),
  \psPoint(0.529 \rt\space sin mul,
           0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul sub,
           0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul add){P}
    definition={[.05 0.3]},
    args=0.529 \rt\space sin mul
         0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul sub
         0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul add,
    action=draw**](0.529 \rt\space sin mul,
                   0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul sub,
                   0.6 0.374 \rt\space cos mul add)%

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