[pstricks] \psGaussI

Patrice Mégret Patrice.Megret at umons.ac.be
Mon Nov 30 09:30:15 CET 2009

Dear Herbert,

I get a strange result with the function  \psGaussI: the limit value for x toward infinity is not one. Moreover, the limit  value depends on sigma and changing mue does not shift the curve.
Here is my example

\psplot[linecolor=blue]{-5}{5}{-10 x /t {t 0 1 GAUSS} 0.01 SIMPSON}
%\psplot{0}{10}{-10 x /t {t dup mul neg 2 div Euler exch exp} 0.01 SIMPSON 2 Pi mul 1 exch div sqrt mul}

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pst-math.sty    2009/01/20 package wrapper for PSTricks pst-math.tex
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pstricks-add.cfg    2005/01/10 v0.1 addtional user stuff (hv)
  MathPm.sty    2008/01/03 v2.2 extension mathématique pour cours P. Mégret
 amsmath.sty    2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features
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Best regards,

Patrice Mégret

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