[pstricks] psxTick , psyTick

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Thu Apr 23 16:32:10 CEST 2009

Kin Mye schrieb:

>> it makes no sense to modify the macro, because someone can
>> use a frame, but put the origin elsewhereor writing
>> \psaxes[Oy=-2,axesstyle=frame](0,0)(0,-2)(6,2)
>> then the \psxTick(3.5){3.5} is correct
> Herbert, thank you for your quick answer.
>>From my point of view, the frame has nothing to do whith it.
> In case (0,0) is a nice origin in the figure, then there is no
> problem, as in your example. But some times we want to have
> the axes in other place (and psaxes allows this perfectly!).

try the pstricks-add.tex from
it takes the origin argument into account



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