[pstricks] Name conflicts with multido and the fltpoint package

dpstory at uakron.edu dpstory at uakron.edu
Fri Jan 13 13:52:20 CET 2006

The recent version of multido implements two macros named \fpAdd and \fpSub


The floating point package, which we use to create animations for out AcroTeX 
Presentation Bundle (APB) uses the fltpoint package. In that package, there is 


Same functionality, but different argument order.

Here is a typically usage from one of our animation files


The first LaTeX error is 

! Argument of \multido at temp has an extra }.

Any solutions? I know, switch to fp package.


Dr. D. P. Story / Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics / The University of 
Akron /
Akron, OH 44325 / dpstory at uakron.edu /
Personal URL: http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/
AcroTeX Web Site: http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/acrotex.html
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