[PSTricks] what about being able to write \psset{textcolor=white}?

Christophe Broult christophe.broult at info.unicaen.fr
Wed Sep 2 22:22:11 CEST 1998

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Denis Girou <Denis.Girou at idris.fr> writes:

>   Even if I clearly think that this is a very minor point, your
> proposition is 
> coherent and meaningful.

I agree with you.

>   Nevertheless, concerning what could be the best way to implement it is not
> so clear for me. One essential point is, as everybody (?) know, that PSTricks
> is a "generic" package and surely not a LaTeX one (there are only LaTeX

I guess I had forgotten that.

> [...]
> received the proposition from somebody else to do it. So, there will be no
> change at all in 98 and 99 in "standard PSTricks" (just, as since PST 97, bug
> corrections -but I hope that now rather few will be discovered!- and additions 
> in the contrib directory -them can be huge!)

Message well received.  I might consider doing a contrib that one of
this days.

Thank you for your answer,


Looking for a cutting edge           | Christophe Broult                
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Check http://www.info.unicaen.fr/lpv | ``Smile, chuckle, giggle''

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