Problem with pstricks and xdvi

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Aug 5 22:18:38 CEST 1998

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    Dung.Ta.Quang> Yesterday i successfully installed xdvi patch 21.16 (latest version) on
    Dung.Ta.Quang> my system (linux slackware 3.5, teTeX 0.4, pstricks Jul 98 (CTAN)). I then
    Dung.Ta.Quang> tried out some examples in the docs and everything seem to work fine except
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \nput. Hier is the latex file:
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{letter}
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \usepackage{pst-node}
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \begin{document}
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \begin{pspicture}(0,0)(5,5)
    Dung.Ta.Quang>   \cnode*(1,1){2pt}{v1}
    Dung.Ta.Quang>   \nput[labelsep=.1]{180}{v1}{$v_1$}
    Dung.Ta.Quang>   \cnode*(2,4){2pt}{v2}
    Dung.Ta.Quang>   \nput[labelsep=.1]{90}{v2}{$v_2$}
    Dung.Ta.Quang>   \ncline{v1}{v2}
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \end{pspicture}
    Dung.Ta.Quang> \end{document}

    Dung.Ta.Quang> the problem is, that both labels were placed at (0,0) instead closely to
    Dung.Ta.Quang> (1,1) resp. (2,4). What is now to do?

  I don't reproduce your problem, so it is very probably related to xdvi that
I never use (nor the old nor the so-called "new" version). I know that the
"new" version is supposed to call ghostscript for "specials" but I don't know
the limitations.

  In any case, first convert your dvi file to PostScript using dvips, which
must be available on your installation, and visualize the resulting file with
gv (or ghostview or gs if you have not it - even if gv is probably today the
best PostScript viewver under Unix). You'll very probably see that your
example run correctly for you too.


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