Stupid question

Ulrich Dirr Ulrich.Dirr at
Sun Jun 29 10:02:54 CEST 1997

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I have a silly question concerning \psaxes.
In Germany the decimal delimiter is a comma and not a point. 
Now if you have axes with a range say from -2.5 to 4.5 the
labeling is with decimal points.
Is there an easy way to change the _output_ to commata?
Otherwise I've to do it all by hand... May be it would be nice to
have a general distinction between input and output of language
dependent strings?


Ulrich Dirr                                  fon (+49)-89-7433060
Graphik & Typographie                        fax (+49)-89-7433061
Arnimstrasse 9                          e-mail udirr at
D-81369 Muenchen                           CompuServe 100334,2072

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