Underscore in URL using hyperref

Sebastian Rahtz s.rahtz at elsevier.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 09:57:03 CET 1998

owner-pdftex at tug.org writes:
 > I cannot write URLs that have underscores in them.
 > This is what pdflatex says:
 > ! Undefined control sequence.
 > <argument> ...al \let \OT1\textunderscore
 >                                           \unhbox \voidb at x \kern .06e...
 > l.10 {\altavista's crawler}
 >                            ,  called the \emph{Scooter}, runs on a 1....
 > My source was:
I would guess this results from a fairly ancient LaTeX, in lieu of any
more detailed version information.


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