[math-font-discuss] Upright Integral

Guenter Milde milde at users.sf.net
Wed Jan 23 21:40:34 CET 2013

On 2013-01-23, Marco wrote:

> [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding:  --]

> Hi,

> In math mode the command \int produces a slanted integral symbol. Is there
> an easy way or font to turn it upright?

If you are prepared to change the complete document font, yes.

* The package "fourier" offers nice mathematical fonts to match the Utopia
  text font. It comes with an upright integral sign.
* The package "txfonts" (and some more packages using its fonts) uses a
  "bulky" upright integral sign.
* The package "newtx" is an improvement over txfonts (re-worked metrics)
  and offers a customizable integral sign (txfont or slanted).

* The package "mathdesign" uses an upright integral sign as well.
  It can be used with "Utopia", "Garamond", or "Charter" text fonts.
* The in-line integral sign in "mathabx" is even backward.


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