[OS X TeX] Re: paths for graphics files

Frank STENGEL fstengel at mac.com
Mon Jan 30 18:39:02 CET 2006

Le 30 janv. 06 à 17:27, Herbert Schulz a écrit :

> The short answer is NO. The first argument to simpdftex tells it  
> the format file to use:
> simpdftex tex --maxpfb --dvipsopts "-R0"
> or
> simpdftex latex --maxpfb --dvipsopts "-R0"

Oops, I had meant "simpdftex latex ...". My question was more whether  
one could use the --dvipsopts argument instead of the -- 
extradvipsopts. But then B. Voisin gave the answer to my ill formed  
question. This, alas, is another case of me reading manuals/scripts  
too fast and missing the key elements...

Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)

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