[OS X TeX] TeX & Mathematica 5.2

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Tue Nov 29 00:54:21 CET 2005

Hi David,

On 29/11/2005, at 10:06 AM, David Derbes wrote:

> This may not be what Themis et. al. have in mind, but...
> I use Mathematica mostly to generate graphs (and answers.) It is  
> easy to export the cells containing the graphs as EPS. Probably  
> everyone knows how to do this, but just in case...

There is more than one way to export graphs.

> First, select the region with the graph by clicking on it.
> Next, in the "Edit" menu, select "Save Selection As" and choose EPS.

In my experience, this way can get you a bad BoundingBox...

> Then, if you want to add text or otherwise alter the graphic, open  
> it in Illustrator and make the changes (and save the file as EPS.)  
> Whether or not you've changed it in Illustrator, if you then open  
> this EPS in TeXShop, presto, a nice PDF that you can include easily  
> in LaTeX.

  ... but this can be fixed from within Illustrator.

Other ways to produce exported files are using either of two commands,
whose usage messages are given here.


Display[channel, graphics] writes graphics or sound to the specified  
    channel in Mathematica PostScript format.
Display[channel, graphics, "format"] writes graphics or sound in the  
specified format.
Display[channel, expr, "format"] writes boxes, cells or notebook  
    in the specified format.



Export["file.ext", expr] exports data to a file, converting it to a  
    corresponding to the file extension ext.
Export["file", expr, "format"]
    exports data to a file, converting it to the specified format.

Both Export and Display are extremely versatile.
The Help Notebook tells you all the possible formats that are supported
for different kinds of data, not just graphics.

In particular, you can export directly to a resolution-dependent
format, such as  .jpg or .png , thereby obviating the need to use
However, I've no experience in doing this, so cannot comment
on how good a job it does.

> This probably is not what you had in mind (you probably wanted the  
> nice notebooks created in Mathematica to export directly to LaTeX),  
> but as long as I can get the gorgeous graphs into my own LaTeX  
> text, I'm happy.
> David Derbes

Under Mac OS X there's always more than one way to get the job done.
Some work better than others.



Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia  2109                            fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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