Got it! (was: Re: [OS X TeX] TeXniscope and pdfsync)

Thomas Schröder hydrochlorix at
Thu Nov 10 17:04:15 CET 2005

Am 01.11.2005 um 23:12 schrieb Massimiliano Gubinelli:

Again, sorry in answering so late, but like I said, I've been kept busy.

>> But since I'm using pdflatex to directly produce PDF output, it  
>> couldn't really, could it?
> Sorry I missed this. I was assuming you were using dvi.

Well, I should have mentioned it, so no need to be sorry :-)

> Does some of the chapters are in files with names with accented
> characters? (this could be a problem).

Nope, all plain ASCII, no spaces either.

> It is very strange that syncronization works only if the hyperref
> package is not loaded.

Tell me about it :-)

> Another thing to try is to include only the current chapter in the
> compilation to see if it is a problem related to the size of the pdf.

First I tried to produce a very large PDF by using the same chapter  
over and over and that worked flawlessly. Then I started to comment  
out all chapters and adding them again one by one to see where the  
glitch started to show up. The glitch persisted with three particular  
chapters, all the others worked flawlessly. I then checked what was  
different about them, and it turns out to be a rather strange quirk.  
In those three chapters I used the alternate hyphen "–" , which you  
get by pressing Alt-minus on a German keyboard, in chapter and  
section commands. I guess, TeXniscope stumbled over those, when the  
hyperref-package produced the table of contents, where of course they  
turned up again.

I use the alternate hyphen for a small trick. Let me explain: German  
as a language can be weird and problematic at times, as some of you  
might know :-)
Specific problems in terms of TeX are that

1) words tend to be pretty long as in "Rheinschiffartskapitänspatent"

2) words are often put together via hyphens as in  

3) words contain special characters like ä, ö, ü or ß.

TeX has problems, hyphenating words that contain hyphens _and_  
special characters. Luckily the german package has a special command  
to help here, namely '"='. Using this, TeX can hyphenate such words,  
but readibility suffers. So, that's where my little trick comes in,  
in the preamble of my document I define the following:


Then in my thesis I use the alternate hyphen instead of the normal  
one but since it basically looks like the normal one, readibility is  
greatly improved. But, for some reason, the hyperref package didn't  
translate my little trick too well and TeXniscope stumbled over it.  
Pity, eh?

Anyways, thanks for taking the time.

Ciao, Thomas------------------------- Info --------------------------
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