[l2h] Inline image position

Niels Walet Niels.Walet@umist.ac.uk
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:47:55 +0100

I have just upgraded to the latest version (latex2html-2002-2-1), and I
note a problem with the position of inline maths (which is what I use,
running with options -image_type gif -no_math -html_version
4.1,math,frame). See http://walet.phy.umist.ac.uk/2C1/Notes/ for an
example. Looking at some of the ps images before they get converted, it
seems like some of the code in the preamble of images.tex must be
incorrect... The images aren't correctly centered, there is much more
space at the bottom than the top!
Has anybody else seen this problem, and do they have a solution?
Niels Walet

Dr Niels R. Walet   http://www.phy.umist.ac.uk/Theory/people/walet.html
Dept. of Physics,  UMIST,   P.O. Box 88,    Manchester,  M60 1QD,  U.K.
Phone: +44(0)161-2003693 Fax: +44(0)161-2004303 Niels.Walet@umist.ac.uk