[l2h] How do I use an EPS in PDF and HTML?

Bruce R Miller bruce.miller@nist.gov
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:39:15 -0500

"Fred L. Drake, Jr." wrote:
> Dave Cole writes:
>  > The final piece in the puzzle was the line:
>  >
>  > \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
>  >
>  > I had originally used the following line:
>  >
>  > \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
>   Is there a way to get things to work with both pdftex and dvips
> without changing the document?  I want to be able to use both without
> changing the document.

I've found that the graphicx package is usually smart enough w/o
the driver option: ie. just use 
but leave off the graphics files extensions.
If you're running regular latex, it'll look for .eps, if you run
pdflatex it'll look for .pdf

[and if you run latex2html, it'll look for .gif, or .jpeg, but
 it'll ignore all your carefully crafted transformations! :> ...
