[Fontinst] Scala Sans (Expert)

Ingo Reich ireich at mac.com
Tue Jun 21 18:47:42 CEST 2005

I try to install (a try-out version of) scala sans, and ran into the problem that in the expert font the ligature 'ffi' is named 'semicolon', the ligature 'ffl' is named 'less', and so on (which I found out after checking the afm-file and having a look at the font via the font palette; all the slots seems to have the 'usual', i.e., non-expert names). Simply renaming the relevant slots in the afm-file didn't work ('ffl' etc. is left blank), and so didn't the strategy to rename the slots within \reglyphfonts ... \endreglyphfonts (same effect). I append my installation file (t1scala.etx is identical to t1.etx except that 'fj' is put in the dotless j slot). Any sugestions?
Thanks (once again ? sorry),


\input fontinst.sty





















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