[Fontinst] miktex, fontinst, and type 1 fonts

steven schkolne steven at schkolne.com
Mon May 26 20:52:26 CEST 2003

hi, i am suffering from a horrible case of trying to install a plain old 
type1 font under miktex on my PC.....  i have made it far enough to 
derive a font encoding, and figure out that fontinst is the next step.. 
 problem being, fontinst makes .fd's but no .pl's or .vpl's  (see full 
transcript below)

please help..... this is so difficult that microsoft word is starting to 
look attractive.
+ steven

> C:\PROGRA~1\texmf\fonts\type1\stevens\bauhaus>more drv-pbh.tex
> \input fontinst.sty
> \latinfamily{pbh}{}
> \bye
> C:\PROGRA~1\texmf\fonts\type1\stevens\bauhaus>latex drv-pbh.tex
> This is TeX, Version 3.141592 (MiKTeX 2.3)
> (drv-pbh.tex
> LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
> Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, 
> ngerman, du
> mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
> (fontinst.sty
> LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `',
>                but the package provides `fontinst'.
> (C:\Program Files\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
> LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `',
>                but the package provides `trig'.
> )
> No file fontinst.rc.
> )
> INFO> parse family <pbh><>
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,n,> seek pbhr8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sc,> seek pbhrc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sl,> seek pbhro8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,it,> seek pbhri8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,n,c> seek pbhr8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sc,c> seek pbhrc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sl,c> seek pbhro8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,it,c> seek pbhri8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,n,> seek pbhk8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sc,> seek pbhkc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sl,> seek pbhko8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,it,> seek pbhki8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,n,c> seek pbhk8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sc,c> seek pbhkc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,sl,c> seek pbhko8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,m,it,c> seek pbhki8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,n,> seek pbhb8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,sc,> seek pbhbc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,sl,> seek pbhbo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,it,> seek pbhbi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,n,c> seek pbhb8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,sc,c> seek pbhbc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,sl,c> seek pbhbo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,b,it,c> seek pbhbi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,n,> seek pbhs8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,sc,> seek pbhsc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,sl,> seek pbhso8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,it,> seek pbhsi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,n,c> seek pbhs8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,sc,c> seek pbhsc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,sl,c> seek pbhso8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,sb,it,c> seek pbhsi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,n,> seek pbhd8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,sc,> seek pbhdc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,sl,> seek pbhdo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,it,> seek pbhdi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,n,c> seek pbhd8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,sc,c> seek pbhdc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,sl,c> seek pbhdo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,db,it,c> seek pbhdi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,n,> seek pbhm8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,sc,> seek pbhmc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,sl,> seek pbhmo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,it,> seek pbhmi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,n,c> seek pbhm8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,sc,c> seek pbhmc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,sl,c> seek pbhmo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,mb,it,c> seek pbhmi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,> seek pbhc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,> seek pbhcc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,> seek pbhco8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,> seek pbhci8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,c> seek pbhc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,c> seek pbhcc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,c> seek pbhco8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,c> seek pbhci8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,> seek pbhh8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,> seek pbhhc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,> seek pbhho8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,> seek pbhhi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,c> seek pbhh8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,c> seek pbhhc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,c> seek pbhho8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,c> seek pbhhi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,> seek pbhx8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,> seek pbhxc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,> seek pbhxo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,> seek pbhxi8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,n,c> seek pbhx8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sc,c> seek pbhxc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,sl,c> seek pbhxo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,eb,it,c> seek pbhxi8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,n,> seek pbhu8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,sc,> seek pbhuc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,sl,> seek pbhuo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,it,> seek pbhui8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,n,c> seek pbhu8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,sc,c> seek pbhuc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,sl,c> seek pbhuo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,ub,it,c> seek pbhui8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,n,> seek pbhl8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,sc,> seek pbhlc8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,sl,> seek pbhlo8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,it,> seek pbhli8r.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,n,c> seek pbhl8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,sc,c> seek pbhlc8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,sl,c> seek pbhlo8rn.mtx
> INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <pbh,l,it,c> seek pbhli8rn.mtx
> Font definitions written on ot1pbh.fd.
> Font definitions written on t1pbh.fd.
> Font definitions written on ts1pbh.fd.
>  )
> No pages of output.
> Transcript written on drv-pbh.log.
> C:\PROGRA~1\texmf\fonts\type1\stevens\bauhaus>dir
>  Volume in drive C has no label.
>  Volume Serial Number is 6022-3914
>  Directory of C:\PROGRA~1\texmf\fonts\type1\stevens\bauhaus
> 05/26/2003  07:38 PM    <DIR>          .
> 05/26/2003  07:38 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 05/26/2003  07:47 PM             7,570 drv-pbh.log
> 05/26/2003  07:38 PM                48 drv-pbh.tex
> 05/25/2003  11:29 PM            64,749 fontinst.sty
> 05/26/2003  07:47 PM               274 ot1pbh.fd
> 06/15/1990  10:21 AM            33,158 pbhb8a.pfb
> 12/22/1994  03:01 AM             1,148 pbhb8a.pfm
> 06/15/1990  10:20 AM            32,357 pbhd8a.pfb
> 12/22/1994  03:01 AM             1,147 pbhd8a.pfm
> 06/15/1990  10:20 AM            35,176 pbhh8a.pfb
> 12/22/1994  03:01 AM             1,148 pbhh8a.pfm
> 06/15/1990  10:20 AM            29,601 pbhl8a.pfb
> 12/22/1994  03:01 AM             1,148 pbhl8a.pfm
> 06/15/1990  10:20 AM            30,153 pbhm8a.pfb
> 12/22/1994  03:01 AM             1,150 pbhm8a.pfm
> 05/26/2003  07:47 PM               270 t1pbh.fd
> 05/26/2003  07:47 PM               274 ts1pbh.fd
> 05/26/2003  07:37 PM               174 X.log
>               17 File(s)        239,545 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)   5,341,671,424 bytes free
> C:\PROGRA~1\texmf\fonts\type1\stevens\bauhaus>

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