bug report

Lars Hellström Lars.Hellstrom@math.umu.se
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 16:27:47 +0200

At 13.30 +0200 2002-10-07, Alexej Kryukov wrote:
>Dear developers!
>I use fontinst for installing Greek fonts in Latex
>(some of them are available from my homepage
>on http://www.geocities.com/autokratoria). Currently
>I'm experimenting with unicode fonts for Omega.

A very worthy cause! It is my impression that (La)TeX support for Greek
fonts have been somewhat lacking.

>Omega's .ovp files can be well created with fontinst,
>but, of cource, I had to write special .mtx and .etx
>files and the job files must be processed with Lambda.

Would you be prepared to make you .etx and .mtx file publicly available?

>I've found one bug in the current release of fontinst,
>which causes a lot of problems when working with
>"large fonts". In the definition of \setscalednotglyph
>there is a line \x_cs\edef{g-#1} (instead of g-#1-not).
>So all glyphs not present in encoding are recognized
>as real glyphs and an incorrect .vpl is produced.

The recent v1.914 patch 4 will fix this (as did, if I recall things
correcly, already v1.914 patch 2). (The patches have been posted to this
list and can be found in the fontinst mailing list archives, at
http://tug.org/archives/fontinst/maillist.html .)

Lars Hellström