Titling fonts

Lars Hellström Lars.Hellstrom@math.umu.se
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 23:30:09 +0200

At 14.55 +0200 2002-07-28, Adrian Heathcote wrote:
>Many thanks to you Lars for this information. With these tips (the
>vcenter was a particularly nice touch) I was able to install Adobe
>Garamond Titling, along with Trajan (Reg and Bold).
>But with Bembo Titling I came upon a hitch. I followed your Berry
>naming suggestion for the Regular and got mbbrd8a. So far so good.
>But there is also a Bembo Titling Italic. Now what should I name
>that under the Berry scheme? I'm stumped.

Why? It's obviously mbbrdi8a (remember that variants can be combined).

A trickier matter could be to decide on a LaTeX declaration. If Bembo
Titling is a shape variation, then Bembo Titling Italic shoud be another,
but that isn't necessarily what one would want. At least in the case of
AGaramond, the Titling variation is actually most like a series variation,
but that idea will probably look really odd to some. And of course, there
is always the catch-all possibility to decide that Titling should be a
different LaTeX family.

As it says on a picture on my wall here, "The More I Think The More
Confused I Get."

Lars Hellström