BUGS: 1.9.15's omx.etx and mathex.mtx

Alejandro Lopez-Valencia palopez@earthling.net
Sat, 18 Nov 2000 08:12:12 -0500

I have found a couple of bugs in the math etx and mtx files recently
uploaded to CTAN.

Comparing omx.etx and texmext.enc, there are three misnamed glyphs in oms.etx:

oms.etx              texmext.enc

arrowdblvertex       arrowvertexdbl
hatwideerr           hatwidest
tildewiderr          tildewidest

As well, mathex.mtx fails on line 110:


P. Alejandro López-Valencia            Ecologist, Conservation Biologist
                            4N36 74W05
     kenkon itteki                     Heaven and Earth at one stroke