
Kaja P. Christiansen kaja@daimi.au.dk
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:15:32 +0100

On Sun, 29 Oct 2000 21:01:35 +0100 (MEZ), Walter Schmidt wrote:

>please, take a look at the following fontinst script:
>   \installfont{zptmcm7y}
>      {kernoff,cmsy10,kernon,zryhax,ptmr8r,psyr,%
>       unsetalf,rsfs10,zrykernx,mathsy}
>      {OMS}{OMS}{ztmcm}{m}{n}{}
>[...] the xheight of rsfs10 gets finally into the result.

Oops, I'm sorry fopr having bothered you with my question.
The file unsetalf.mtx does 


(Why ?)

That's the reason why the fontdimens of cmsy10 are 
