fontinst v1.914 patch 1 (and a bonus)

Lars Hellström
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:02:47 -0400

Well, it's happened again. This time the definition of
\reglyph_setscaledrawglyph is wrong, so if \reglyphfont is to work
properly, you need to add the following lines to fontinst.rc (or whereever
you prefer to put patches):

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fontinst v1.914 patch 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%
   \csname slots-#1\endcsname
         \ifnum #5<\z@
%%%%%%%%%%% end of fontinst v1.914 patch 1 %%%%%%%%%

And then I've got a little bonus (which could perhaps raise the interest
for writing support for DVI drivers). To use it, you add it to finstmsc.rc.

% \subsubsection{The \texttt{pltotf} ``driver''}
% \changes{1.915}{2000/06/27}{\texttt{pltotf} ``driver'' support
%    added. (LH)}
% It can sometimes be hard to determine which of all the PL files that
% \package{fontinst} creates need to be converted to TFM files. In most
% cases no \texttt{8a}-encoded PLs need to be converted as they aren't
% used as base fonts or installed in an FD file, but to automatically
% exclude them isn't a trivial task (even though it probably could be
% done by a regular expression filter for fonts named according to the
% \texttt{fontname} scheme). There furthermore seems to be some systems
% on which it for various reasons isn't easy to convert all PLs in a
% directory. The \texttt{pltotf} ``driver'' support is meant to help with
% both these problems, as the ``map file'' it creates really is a shell
% script (batch file) for converting precisely those PL files that need
% a map file entry to TFM format. I believe the shell script will work
% both for UNIX and DOS systems.
% \begin{macro}{\make_pltotf}
%   |\make_pltotf| writes a \package{PLtoTF} command for converting the
%   current font's PL file to a TFM file. If set, the string
%   \texttt{TFMfileprefix} will be prepended to the TFM file name---this
%   could be used for putting the TFMs in some directory other than the
%   current.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \ifisstr{TFMfileprefix}\then \str{TFMfileprefix}\fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

As you can see, a map file fragment writer mainly consists of putting
together a string.

Lars Hellström