Labels positioning

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Jan 26 18:39:29 CET 2000

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  Having some exchanges with somebody who start to use PSTricks, the following 
code that he use could to be useful to comment to wider audience.

  Comparing the (nearly) original version and the rewritted one:

    - the \pstVerb macro allows here to simplify the code and to improve

    - the "\pc..." variants (opposite to the "\ps..." ones), like \pccoil
and \pcline here, help heavily to position labels relative to these
connections and avoid to specify explicitely the coordinates for the labels
(see the documentation file).







% (Nearly) original code
  \qdisk(!2  2 70 sin mul add 2 -2 70 cos mul add){4pt}
         (2,0)(!2 2 70 sin mul add 2 -2 70 cos mul add)
% Rewritted code
  \pstVerb{/Xcoord 2  2 70 sin mul add def
           /Ycoord 2 -2 70 cos mul add def}
  \qdisk(! Xcoord Ycoord){4pt}
  \pccoil[coilarm=0.2,coilwidth=0.2](2,0)(! Xcoord Ycoord)



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