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Re: times

   From: Sumit <gt0138d@prism.gatech.edu>
   Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 12:36:57 -0400 (EDT)

   I am trying to use times as the default font in my thesis. Here is what
    I have done so far:

   Downloades /fonts/psfonts/adobe files and place the files in the
   respective directories (.tfm in fonts/tfm/ ... etc.)

   use the times package  

   add config.ptm to psfonts.map 

   When I use dvips, the output is a blank page and the message says
   something to the effect that MakeTeXPK.exe had a problem with ptmb8r.###pk
   not found. characters will be left blank...

   Now, why does this happen? Should it be looking at .pk files at all? Why
   doesn't it use the psfonts?

   Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am using miktex on NT3.51


Read the DVIPS documentation (such as it is).  
You must tell DVIPS that some fonts are scalable and not METAFONTs
that must be converted to bitmapped PK format. This is done in psfonts.map. 

If this doesn't work, it is most likely because you are not
using the font names de jeur, but some older versions.
Your psfonts.map entries ought to refer to ptmb8r not some variant thereof.
Also, you have to make sure that you have the VF files in place,
otherwise DVIPS will not make the connection from the font you use
in TeX and some scalable font.